Agriculture Proud

Agriculture Proud 007 - World Wildlife Fund on Sustainable Ranching



Happy Earth Day this week! I hope you celebrate by sharing more about the work our farmers and ranchers are doing to conserve our environment and be more sustainable in maintaining our open spaces. On Episode 007 of the Agriculture Proud Podcast I feature a conservation group you may have heard about, but may not have connected with the farming and ranching community. In this week’s episode, I am joined by Jesse Tufte and Nancy Labbe of the World Wildlife Fund. Both of these gals work with WWF’s Sustainable Ranching Initiative, which works “to establish a productive dialogue between conservation interests and the ranching community in the Northern Great Plains; driven by the goal of maintaining grasslands by ensuring that ranching stays viable and sustainable.” I was first introduced to this program while working with the Montana Stockgrowers Association. WWF expressed interest in and continued to work with us to enhance Montana’s Environmental Stewardship Award Program which works to recognize ranc