Travel Massive Podcast

Episode #3 - Interview With Ethan Gelber Of The Travel Word



On this Travel Massive podcast Holly Galbraith chats to freelance writer and communicator Ethan Gelber about his decade long commitment to sustainable and responsible travel. Ethan is involved in many organisations including co-founding Outbounding (, a community-powered platform for identifying, celebrating and distributing excellent travel content Family Travel Association (, which inspires families to travel and advocates for travel as an essential part of every child’s education; And The Travel Word (, a website that showcases responsible, sustainable and local travel. Details of Episode 3 with Ethan Gelber​:​ He shares: H​is "accidental" path into the travel industry​. How he combined​ ​travel and education​ before the sustainable travel movement​.​ Highlights: "The future of travel is sustainable travel" ​Too much tourism ​all ​at once​ can be abusive ​on people and places. "You have to place the emphasis on the people who live there" On finding