Maria Felipe's Show

[INTERVIEW] HOW TO MANIFEST IN NON-DUALITY - Interview Jackie Lora Jones - ACIM - A Course in Miracles



Maria Felipe interviews Jackie Lora Jones as they discuss motherhood and Ken Wapnick, asking what is our starting point in the mind for moving through the dream? Is our salvation tied into what we want to manifest? Jackie reminds us ACIM is not about WHAT I’m doing in the world and rather WHO am I doing it with - God or Ego? Practicing True Forgiveness and being miracle-ready can lead to a happier dream! Check out Jackie’s website: ACIM global audio podcast “True Forgiveness Teachings” can be found at video podcast interviews can be found at One of her forthcoming book series will be out this year.▶▶▶ SHARE & extend the Love (digitally) if you like the message★SUBSCRIBE - for videos like this every week CLICK HERE!★ BOOK - LIVE YOUR HAPPY™ with