Maria Felipe's Show

[TRUTH-TALK] Be The Love Of Your Life - ACIM - Maria Felipe



In this Podcast I share insights to Spirituality, New Thought and Ascension through living our Happiness. Our divine birth-right is Happiness, Peace & Abundance. LINK TO WEBSITE MY MISSION It is my mission to help you discover your happiness WITHIN. I do so by guiding you toward a life released from fear and doubt and filled with joy & power. WHO IS MARIA FELIPE Maria Felipe is an International Speaker & Author of the bestselling book Live Your Happy As an ordained minister through The Pathways of Light she is a regular guest on iHeart Radio, Awakening Together Radio and Unity Radio. Maria also appeared as a motivational speaker on TV shows and news programs for Univison, Telemundo and CNN. With her YouTube Channel MariaCoconutTV" shes reaching 100.000+ people across the world. She has recently spoken alongside international teachers like David Hoffmeister and Gary Renard in Los Angeles, Mexico, and Europe.