4th Watch With Justen Faull

Reclaiming The Faith: Ep. 28 - If/Then Jesus



In Episode 28, I’m wading into treacherous waters. I’m looking at the issue of conditional verses unconditional security of the Christian by giving an audio version of Chapter 6 of my book, New: Wineskins and the Simple Words of Christ. Is once saved, always saved actually the orthodox position of the early Church? Where did that doctrine originate? What is it that allows Christians to have a strong security in their salvation? All these subjects and more are covered in this podcast. So join me for an empowering study that you don’t want to miss!By way of housekeeping, at the end of every episode of RTF, I include an original song. I pray those have been a blessing to you. A few months ago I began recording a 7 song EP of original songs I’ve written over the last 5 years. This can be quite a costly endeavor, so to help cover the cost of production, I’ve created a GoFundMe Campaign. For those who contribute $20, you will receive a hard copy of the 7 song EP, plus a demo CD of acoustic versions of 5 additional