4th Watch With Justen Faull

Omega Frequency: Ep. 198 - BDK’s International House Of Hot Takes



In episode 198 BDK serves up some live unscripted hot takes on a wide variety of current events and headlines that have shown up in his Facebook feed. Hot takes on the menu include: my thoughts on the Super Bowl Half Time show. Bob Jones’ Kansas City Chief’s revival prophecy. Kobe Bryant conspiracies. Kayne West conspiracies.
The one massive conspiracy the Church seems to be silent on. The Church of England and Justin Bieber. Churches disrespecting the elderly.
Satanic altar calls for the youth. Finally, there is a rare moment when I applaud an article from Charisma Magazine for it’s spiritual discernment! Basically, I got a live microphone, some hot button conspiracies and headlines. What could possibly go wrong? Please join us, and find out.Show notes: Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/omegafrequencyWe need your prayer. Join The Frequency Force! http://www.omegafrequency.com/the-frequency-forceWant More Omega Frequency? Listen Here: http://omegafrequency.libsyn.comWant