Cloud Gossip




Today on the show: why containers? Where do they come from, and which problems do they solve? Epsiode transcript: Prologue Hi, Karl here. Let me tell you a story from a couple of years back. Imagine a team of quite stressed out developers. This team at Nokia Research Center had been preparing for a Demoday, to showcase their new applications to an excited audience. Luckily the team had already finished building their application -- or so they thought. During the evening before the Demoday, they started to prepare the application to be showcased in the demo. This meant moving the application into a server that was located on the second floor of the office. Yet, the size of the application was huge, so the file transfer took all night. In the morning, half an hour before the demo, the project manager asked for a small change to the application: could the developers change the color of one of the buttons from blue to green. This wasn't a hard task: The developer was able to make the change in a minute, and he co