Keepin It Real With Janean

The Integrity Effect with Melissa Joy Jonsson (podcast Ep 23)



Learn how to PLAY the change game from the inside out, on your own heart terms so that the inner you matches the you without! Join inspiring transformational leader Melissa Joy as she discusses the journey to the heart of interactive reality creation. Melissa Joy Jonsson (M-Joy) is an Author, Speaker, Inspirational Leader Founder and Instructor of ‘M-Joy’ Seminars. She is best known for her ability to engage people from all over the world to embrace their True Authentic Power by playing in the field of the heart. She has a unique perspective on how we are able to experience living joyfully and loving completely. Melissa has been teaching popular life-transformational Matrix Energetics seminars around the globe since 2008. In 2014 she launched the “M-Joy” seminar teachings, a unifying WE movement in consciousness dedicated to heart-centered awareness and practical personal empowerment for everyone. Melissa's teachings are a culmination of her expansive work integrating scientific principles and spiritual con