Keepin It Real With Janean

Self Love: It's an Inside Out job! w/ Janet Attwood (Ep 32)



Over the years, Janet came to understand that even though many were following their passion in life, they still were not happy. This led to the realization that lack of Self Love was the core issue. So her current focus is helping others gain more self love and self acceptance. Janet shares her story of lack of self confidence and Self Love and how she turned those limiting beliefs into a very creative, abundant and fulfilling life that is of service. Above all, Janet is an inspiration who lives her teachings as the work she shares has also changed her life. Janet travels the world teaching and mentoring. She has over 3,000 Passion Test facilitators in 64 countries. As an expert on what it takes to live a passionate life, she has presented her programs as a featured speaker to hundreds of thousands of people around the world with The Dalai Lama, Sir Richard Branson, Stephen Covey, Brendon Burchard, Tony Hsieh, Nobel Laureate F. W. deKlerk, T. Harv Eker, Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, and others. Internation