Keepin It Real With Janean

The Adventures of Jennifer Williams (Ep 40)



Jennifer Williams has had an adventurous life as an educator, artist and animal savior. In 2016, Jennifer Williams was one of only five teachers, nationwide, inducted into the NATIONAL TEACHERS HALL OF FAME and is the first Idaho teacher to have ever been recognized by the President of the United States for this award. Jennifer is a published artist, and currently has 7 children’s books to share stories, that are mostly factual, about the plethora of sentient beings that always seem to find their way into her life. Jennifer passionately advocates for all creatures, great and small. It has been said that Jennifer ‘is the most generous person I have ever met’. Jennifer created the truly inspirational 'Project Van Go': Imagine a handful of at risk teenage students traveling in a van, on dirt roads, during a school day and miles from any town. Imagine these same students, who typically do not receive much, or any, positive reinforcement in life, about to embark on something that will be forever life ch