Keepin It Real With Janean

Neuro Nutrition & Your Brain Health w/ Leah Lund (Ep 99)



How to reboot your brain for better health and happiness! Your brain produces four types of neurotransmitters that insure you have mood resilience, meaning the ability to experience true emotions and then bring yourself back to emotional balance. A well fed brain does not get “stuck” in a mood or produce a mood that is not based on an actual situation or trigger. You can think of it as four “gas tanks” in your brain. Each gas tank takes its own specific fuel and must be nourished properly to keep the tank full and your moods balanced. Neurotransmitter deficiency has risen as a result of increased stress, artificial additives in our food, low calorie dieting, lack of exercise, low protein diets, genetics and reliance on processed sugar and carbohydrates. The important thing to know is that even in the case of a genetic inheritance, these brain chemical imbalances are easily correctable. You are not destined to feel this way and it is not an inherent personality disorder that you have to learn to live with