O'reilly Security Podcast - O'reilly Media Podcast

Jay Jacobs on data analytics and security



The O’Reilly Security Podcast: The prevalence of convenient data, first steps toward a security data analytics program, and effective data visualization.In this episode of the Security Podcast, Courtney Nash, former chair of O’Reilly Security conference, talks with Jay Jacobs, senior data scientist at BitSight. We discuss the constraints of convenient data, the simple first steps toward building a basic security data analytics program, and effective data visualizations.Here are some highlights: The limitations of convenient data In security, we often see the use of convenient data—essentially, the data we can get our hands on. You see that sometimes in medicine where people studying a specific disease will grab the patients with that disease in the hospital they work in. There's some benefits to doing that. Obviously, the data collection is easy because you get the data that’s readily available. At the same time, there's limitations. The data may not be representative of the larger populatio