O'reilly Security Podcast - O'reilly Media Podcast

Charles Givre on the impetus for training all security teams in basic data science



The O’Reilly Security Podcast: The growing role of data science in security, data literacy outside the technical realm, and practical applications of machine learning.In this episode of the Security Podcast, I talk with Charles Givre, senior lead data scientist at Orbital Insight. We discuss how data science skills are increasingly important for security professionals, the critical role of data scientists in making the results of their work accessible to even nontechnical stakeholders, and using machine learning as a dynamic filter for vast amounts of data.Here are some highlights: Data science skills are becoming requisite for security teams I expect to see two trends in the next few years. First, I think we’re going to see tools becoming much smarter. Not to suggest they're not smart now, but I think we're going to see the builders of security-related tools integrating more and more data science. We're already seeing a lot of tools claiming they use machine learning to do anomaly detection