Water With Lemon

January Bonus: New Year, New Me



Welcome to episode 1 of my January bonus episodes! We are talking about all things new year and new beginnings. I hope you all have had a wonderful start to the new year. There is something so great about a fresh start. Here are the questions that I challenged you to reflect on in the episode: Can you identify a moment when you experienced God for the first time? Or maybe in a new way that you never had before? Journal about that. Or maybe you can’t recall a time and you might ask God to reveal himself to you. What are some old clothes you still have on..things from the past that have no hold here in Christ? Commit to daily reminding yourself to put on your new self and leave that stuff behind. Lastly, lay out your goals for the year before God and find scripture to align your goals with what His word says. See if there is any insecurity behind those goals and lay them before God. DON’T FORGET YOUR SWEATSHIRT! Get it while it’s still chilly outside and to get the size you want! Use the code NEWYEAR a