Water With Lemon

January Bonus: Priority Check



This week on the podcast we are talking about putting our priorities in check. I go on a soapbox rant about how important community is and encourage you guys to not let being “busy” slow you down from making sure you are meeting with one another. Scriptures I mentioned: Genesis 2:2 Hebrews 10:24-25 Questions I challenged you with: What do you fill your free time with? What is important to you? Do you have a group of girls you are meeting with consistently to confess and pray with one another? What areas of your life might you need to surrender to the Lord and replace with things that are for your flourishing? If you are finding yourself to be too busy, talk to God about ways you might be able to realign your priorities so that you have time for rest and community. I’m trying to reach 100 ratings and reviews on iTunes this month so please go and help me out! Lastly, I want to remind you that our merch is on sale this month! You can get 20% with the code NEWYEAR. I would head over to my webs