Water With Lemon

Mormonism with Lisa Brockman | Ep. 52



Hey there, ladies! Welcome back to Water with Lemon and thanks for joining in on this week’s episode! This week, I get to sit down with my new friend, Lisa Brockman. We got to talk about her story of leaving Mormonism and finding the Biblical Jesus. Lisa shares with us about how she left the Mormon church and how she found and fell in love with the person of Jesus. I got to have such a deep conversation with Lisa and finding herself worthy in the One who loves and knows her. This conversation was so close to my heart because so much of my family is Mormon. It was so cool to hear about God transformed Lisa’s heart to surrender to God. However, we got to chat about how God is worthy of sacrificing everything and experiencing God on such an intentional level. We have a God that shows us grace and mercy even when we are coming back to the Father. I think that this episode really pulls that out. I’m so thankful that I got to talk with Lisa because seeing her testimony transforming her life was truly eye opening! S