Rv Maintenance Tips And Information For The Diy

↓Episode 30 – Why Shop Local for a Weekend Project



https://radioarizonarv.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/online-shopping2.jpg ()You have this Saturday marked on you calendar to do some long needed repairs on your RV. Do you shop at the Local RV Parts Store or go online and try to snag a super deal and have the parts in time for the Saturday set aside to get the RV ready for the next trip? In most cases, you won’t snag a super deal online for RV Parts, at best it will be a good deal. A good deal is alright if you save a buck or two. Or is it? The point of this episode is to bring to the front some easy steps to make sure you have the needed parts by Saturday and making sure there is a Plan B. Lets say your RV Water Heater needs a new circuit board, your almost 100% sure! If you go to the local RV Parts Store they will be able to test your old one and confirm your theory and sell you a new board. The Internet Can’t Do That! You have your new board and you go back to your RV and install it and your water heater still doesn’t work! If you bough