Armed With Science

Episode #56: High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)



The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, more commonly known as "HAARP," is a joint Air Force and Navy research program to enhance our knowledge of the physics of the ionosphere and radio science. The ionosphere, an upper atmosphere layer between about 60 and 200 miles in altitude, contains charged particles created by solar activity. These charged particles can impact long-range communications and space operations.HAARP is a research program and facility whose goal is to understand the impact of the ionosphere on communications and space systems and to aid in the development of methods to improve DoD’s utilization of these systems.Today we are joined by key members of the HAARP management team from both Air Force and Navy, including: • Mr. James Battis, HAARP Program Manager, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Space Vehicles Directorate• Dr. Todd Pedersen, Senior Research Physicist, AFRL, Space Vehicles Directorate• Dr. Keith Groves , Senior Research Physicist, AFRL, Space Vehicles Directorate•