My Apple Tree

Ep. 3 – Let’s Talk About IVF



Joining me under My Apple Tree to discuss her In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) journey is Kristi T.. Kristi is a wife, mother, a Scientist and the owner of Uniquely Stitched Embroidery. She shares with us the importance of paying attention to our bodies and never being afraid to get a second medical opinion. She also offers advice to couples who may be contemplating IVF and words of encouragement to women who may be struggling with infertility. She brings us through a rollercoaster ride that begins with infertility and ends with the birth of her handsome 2 year old son, Liam. Enjoy! Check out Uniquely Stitched Embroidery on Facebook: For more My Apple Tree, follow:  Website: Instagram: MyAppleTreeLLC Facebook: This episode was produced by RGB Production