My Apple Tree

Let’s Talk About Hemp, Baby! Let’s Talk About CBD!



Joining me under My Apple Tree is Kristi Hebert! Kristy is the owner of Cypress Hemp, a locally owned CBD hemp oil company. Kristy explains the differences between CBD oil, Hemp Oil and Marijuana. She provides examples of the innumerable medicinal benefits of CBD oil while educating us on how CBD oil works in the human body. She provides information on the current state of CBD oil in Louisiana from a regulatory standpoint and the actions taken by Cypress Hemp to remain in compliance. She also shared her personal experience with CBD oil as a healing agent, which eventually led to the inception of Cypress Hemp. We discuss the lack of education of CBD oil, which has lead to confusion about the safety of purchasing and the use of CBD Oil. We address the most commonly asked questions asked by those interested in using CBD oil. We also discuss the promising future of the CBD oil industry. We went on to discuss the various products offered by Cypress Hemp and what sets Cypress Hemp products apart from other CBD o