For Immediate Release

FIR LIve #16: The effectiveness of email marketing



One study suggests that 85% of organizations plan to increase their email marketing efforts. But another finds that two-fifths of marketers don’t even know if their email messages are being delivered successfully; those who are aware of delivery failures don’t have the tools to make sure those messages find their way to the right inbox. In the meantime, IT departments and individuals do anything they can to keep a lot of those messages out of their inbox.In this episode of FIR Live, we’ll talk with experts about email marketing, what works and what doesn’t. John Wall, author of the Ronin Marketeer blog and co-host of the “Marketing Over Coffee” podcast, will join us, along with Greg Cangiolosi of email shop BlueSky Factory. Representing Return Path, the organization behind the study, “E-Commerce Opportunities,” will be Tami Forman, the company’s director of Corporate Communications. And it’s altogether possible Christopher S. Penn, John Wall’s co-host, will also drop by.Please join us with your questions, obs