Jody England

Mama Medicine



This week's show is already creating some buzz in the Tribe! Parenting - the good, the bad, the ugly - brings up our stuff in deep ways, and we all have work to do to heal our limiting patterns and stories. As we discussed on the show, we have to be fierce about making the time for this clearing work to happen ... for ourselves, for our children, for our planet.Our Goddess Mama guest, Jolette Jai, is committed to leading the shift to a new parenting paradigm, and shared some juicy nuggets with our Tribe. She describes her parent coaching programs as being "for those who want to shift into a Soul connection with their child like nothing you've ever experienced. It's about the gift of transformation - for parents, for coaches of parents, for the children. It's for people who really are on the journey to have purposeful lives, making a huge difference in bringing out the Souls of children."Here are some of the highlights you can listen for when you tune in to the replay: 4:16 Why we give our power away to "th