Jody England

Relationship Medicine



I trust you found just the right medicine for you in our show from last week. It struck a nerve with so many of our sisters. "Should I stay or should I go" is the mind loop we get stuck in when our spiritual lessons present themselves in our relationships. We get lost in thinking there is a "right" relationship for us and we'd be safer, better, happier if only we could discern whether THIS is it.In reality, the only safer, better, happier space is the one we create within ourselves. When we excavate the truth of who and what we are, our relationships show up as magical reflections of our Essence and become beautiful dances of Divinity in motion. It is from that space we can operate as conscious creators expressing the love that IS us.This inquiry is fertile ground for us to continue the exploration of using our relationships as portals to freedom. In this episode, I served your expansion in this area by receiving calls the whole show. I helped you see through your blind spots related to your current partnersh