Jody England

It's Time to Tell the Truth



From early on, we are conditioned to tell lies. We are supposed to say we are “fine” when we’re not fine. We’re supposed to smile when we’re not actually happy. We’re supposed to be “nice” even if we feel resentful or sad. We get so conditioned to lie that we actually become terrified of telling the truth - to be honest when a friend asks us what is wrong (especially if what is wrong is that we are mad at them!), or to say what’s really happening with us when our husband asks if we’re upset.We all go around pretending to be something we are not, denying the feelings that we are authentically having, and perpetuating the need to go unconscious just to survive the disconnect.It doesn’t have to be this way. When we learn to tell the truth we create a portal for magic to occur.When we become radically honest - first, and most importantly, with ourselves and then with others - an amazing thing happens. It is called FREEDOM.By exposing the things we’ve been avoiding, we air out the energetic dust bunnies in our dar