Jody England

Are you Choosing Fear over Freedom?



If you missed it, today's show was a powerful look at the dynamics of how fear clouds our ability to discern truth and listen accurately to our intuition. The topic emerged from the plethora of deeply rich and meaningful conversations with the flood of you who’ve responded to the Call for Magik School applicants.It is clear we have amassed a tribe of women on a mission to do the Big Work, to listen to their intuition, and to step up and activate their destiny.It’s a beautiful thing to witness and I am blessed to receive each and every one of you.And… as we are finding out, this activation thing is not always a piece of cake. When we are up to this level of evolutionary transformation we constantly come up against our edges. One moment we’re activating and following our Yes’s and the next moment we’re neck deep in all of the “reasons” why we’d love to make this next bold move but just can’t because of…. our husband, our financial situation, our busyness, our parenting, Universal timing… and any number of other