Jody England




You know what they say about all work and no play.BUT...I’m supposed to be Creating something.I’m Trying to figure out these next layers of block, baggage, and stuckness.It’s Irresponsible to Have Fun while I NEED to make some money.If I don’t do it, who will?I’m so over it.Over feeling like this, over getting nowhere, over staring into the abyss and being too scared to jump.I’ve been eyeballing this Rubik’s cube of re-working my ability to Create from Pleasure.Visiting and re-visiting the ends of the spectrum.Noticing how I don’t want to give up my pleasure in order to Create, and I don’t know how to Create without moving out of pleasure.And then, I began to contemplate the Both/And.What if I can both Stay on Vacation AND Create?What if I Create WHILE on Vacation?(As for Clues that have been pointing to this [now obvious] Awareness, my nickname for my very chill husband is… Permanent Vacation.)Oy vey.And YAY.For Realz.So I declared myself On Vacation on Monday and by Monday afternoon had an inspired conversa