Jody England

All Of My Kindness



It’s a tender time for me. As my outdated and distorted masculine structures continue to fall away I feel more vulnerable.Undefended.The world seems mean and harsh.Not that people are out to get me or even intentionally treat me that way, but the dissonance of Unconsciousness and the violence of projections feel especially loud to me right now.As a highly sensitive being, I’ve always been tuned into these things, but over the years I learned to defend myself by putting up walls and barriers to letting that in.Photo by Katerina Plotnikova.To letting people in.In this current round of Medicine, I am being Returned to the form of me that came before.Reversing the journey of the calcification of ego identity into the softer, Truer nature of Essence.Morphing backward in a sort of second adolescence of awkwardness and self consciousness.Unsure of how to allow my Kindness to exist in a world that doesn’t know how to honor it.Wondering how to protect and serve my own Kindness without going back into defense.The world