Jody England




Happy Summer Solstice to our sisters in the Northern Hemisphere and Happy Winter Solstice to our sisters in the South. As we celebrate the still point between the coming and going of the Light, we are invited into reflection and celebration. It has been a big week for me.I couraged up and mended things enough with my family to be able to go to my dad’s surgery on Friday. With the inevitable twists and turns of hurt feelings, old wounds, and tensions running high - it could have gone down a lot of ways… But somehow we managed to keep our hearts open enough to Be With each other and to allow both our Love and our Pain to co-exist. I cleared a lot and I learned A LOT. And my dad is doing miraculously well. He’s actually being released from the hospital today - minus a third of each of his lungs.Choosing to become this intimate with life makes my heart ache. The Beautiful Suffering of the human condition at its best and worst. It’s not just my family… everywhere, the breathtaking beauty of Creation alongside the