Jody England

Flying Lead Changes



What do horses, hemp oil, MLM’s, and BDSM have to do with Wild Soul Medicine?Everything.Welcome to my tantric life.The both/and, All and Everything three ring circus of wonderment, passion, emotion, and full spectrum Experience.This week I’ve been surprised and delighted by a resurgence in my enthusiasm and creativity.Was it sparked by a Divine Download of a Highly Spiritual Nature?An Inspired Insight delivered during a Devoted Meditation?Or a tarot card, medicine ceremony, or energetic healing?Nope.It came in the form of a multi level marketing opportunity, a return to a very old zone of excellence (and maybe genius?) and the most unexpected reversal of some major gear lock ups in my system.I’m still laughing at the absurdity and Grace of it all.I don’t want to ruin the surprise for you and I’m feeling a little coy today, so I’m just going to invite you to join me for some Wild Soul Medicine as we unpackage this Gift and see what’s in it for Us.Here are some things I think we’ll cover:• How Counter Cantering