Jody England

Intensity Sandwich



Eeeeee!!!!Who turned up the volume?It is getting IN-tense around here.I’ve been so in it, I thought maybe it was just me… but as I surfaced to see what’s happening in the world, I discovered there’s some shuh-zizzle going down.A couple of retrogrades plus double eclipses lining up a corridor of Lion’s Gate energy has me feeling some serious pressure.If you’ve been feeling like your life is moving at breakneck speed, taking the corners on two wheels while you white knuckle trying to Hold On to the tail of the comet - you’re not alone.As we bring awareness to the cosmic rhythms we find ourselves inside of, we open to the opportunity to go more with The Flow.Embracing the energy of the moment as we align with the Greater Order of all things, brings peace in the midst of otherwise chaotic-seeming experiences.The word Eclipse derives from the Greek word “ekleipsis” which means “to leave, vanish, or abandon.”The Lunar Eclipse on Monday invites us to open to the opportunity to move toward the places we’ve been whit