Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Trucker Johnny Acid and Fort Worth Tx



TRUCKER JOHNNY ACID AND Fort Worth TX. Yeah that's right, Johnny Acid is officially a trucker. Sounds scary doesn't it? We caught up with Johnny for a quick interview and he hasn't changed one bit. Johnny is still Johnny and if you have sensitive ears, then you might want to skip this interview. We talked to the vulgar Johnny Acid about his new career and some of the antics he has gotten himself into. Tune into this weeks podcast and hear what the notorious Johnny Acid had to say. Deadly 100 plus vehicle pile up in Fort Worth TX. This past week an icy cold morning lead to multiple fatalities in Fort Worth Tx. Black ice and un-warned vehicles all crashed into each other causing one of if not the most destructive pile-ups in Texas history. At last count there was over 130 vehicles involved in the deadly crash and 6 fatalities. CB's can help At one time every trucker on the road owned and used a CB radio. The CB Radio is one of the most simple but yet amazing tools a trucker can use. CB radios can b