O'reilly Design Podcast - O'reilly Media Podcast

Cathy Pearl on designing conversational interfaces



The O'Reilly Design Podcast: The VUI tools ecosystems, and voice gender and accent selections.In this week’s Design Podcast, I sit down with Cathy Pearl, director of user experience at Sensely and author of Designing Voice User Interfaces. We talk about defining conversations, the growing tools ecosystems, and how voice has lessened our screen obsession.Here are a few highlights from our conversation: What constitutes a conversation? To me, I do have a definition of ‘conversational.’ I was talking about this at O’Reilly Bot Day last week. For example: my Amazon Echo. I don’t view the Amazon Echo generally as conversational because most of the things I do are one-offs. I’ll say, ‘What time is it?’ or ‘Turn on the lights’ or ‘Set a timer,’ and she’ll give me one response, and we’re done. If I go up to you and say, ‘How are you doing today?’ and you say, ‘Fine,’ and then we turn and walk away, I don’t really see that as having a conversation. That would not be a very good conversation. One of m