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Hitler vs Stalin and the truth about the Holocaust



Victors write History.  If there is anything we've learned since the collapse of the Soviet Union, it's that the data they provided on the Holocaust and German war crimes was not only inaccurate, but deliberately falsified.  The Polish curator at Auschwitz (a Jew, btw), obtained the Red Cross and German registration records in 1990, 45 years after Stalin claimed they had all been destroyed.  The original estimate of 4 million deaths at Auschwitz was revised to 1.1 million, forcing the Auschwitz museum to change it's Memorial plaque.  The Soviet Union had, of course, motives for falsifying data. They used bogus numbers to justify their occupation of half of Europe and to distract the world from the war crimes they themselves committed when Germany fell.  The truth that most Americans choose to ignore is that Stalin was equally, if not more brutal than Hitler.  We're going to compare hard evidence on both sides.  My guest is Nathan Jankov, a dear friend and a man whose family suffered while under the rule of th