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Stiletto Business Strategies - Sheila Hawkins, The Time Wielder



Sheila Hawkins is owner and Head Time Wielder at Third Eye Group. Sheila is a Productivity Coach with a revolutionary approach to productivity and has an uncanny and unique time management expertise. Hawkins is a rebel when it comes just about everything you can think of and, given her non-conformist ways, has always seen things a bit differently than the average person. Her purpose on the planet is to revolutionize the way women solo-preneurs view time and the way they engage and approach it when it comes to getting things done. Sheila helps women coaches, consultants and other service based providers, shift their perspective of time and learn to wield it so that they can do their part in transforming other women, their businesses and the world.The Stiletto Spotlight Series(tm) is about shining the spotlight on successful women entrepreneurs who have tremendous value to share.  Interested in being a guest, email Kim@iam-community.com with Spotlight Guest in the subject line.