Reb Radio Network

The ReaL Music Mix with ReTina



This episode is dedicated to the "Tuskegee Airmen" and the movie "Red Tails" please buy a movie ticket and support the movement in American History! Artists Playlist: Kna-Lo "ReB Radio Drop", Goepele "Play", Ife' "Fly", Ife "Make it Better", Christian Andreason "Born to Fly", Katrina E. Lewis "Milli-seconds", Ande' "I Woke Up", Simply Mike V "ReTina the Lifeologist".  ReB Radio Network: Real Thoughts. Real Experiences. Real Music: Real LIFE The ReaL Music Mix™ hosted by ReTina "The Lifeologist", featuring Real Music and commentary about life and current events using humor, truth and inspiration. The episodes will also feature special guest commentators and interviews~ Airing Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 3pm cst/4pm est/1pm pstsmartphone, ipad,itunes, land line or computer and join the live chat room!