Freelancer Forum

Blah Blah Blah: How to Stand Out from the Competition with Terri Langhans



No one cares about you and your boring freelance business. That’s how it feels, sometimes, doesn’t it? To the people who buy from you or hire you, you and your competition all seem to look alike, sound alike, provide the same service or sell the same stuff. “Blah, blah, blah, just tell me how much it’s gonna cost.” Ouch. So join us as Freelancer Forum interviews Terri Langhans CSP and learn about creative ideas, powerful insights, plenty of laughs, real world examples and tangible tools you can use right away (and over and over) to be less ordinary and more effective when it comes to marketing, advertising and business development. Regardless of what you’ve tried before, and regardless of how big or small your budget is--even if you don’t have a marketing budget. Why listen to Terri? Terri Langhans, CSP is the former CEO of a national ad agency and marketing firm that she started from scratch as a freelancer and grew large enough and profitable enough to sell to a Fortune 100 Big Boy. But that was then an