Urban Achiever

Jake Brown



Jake Brown has been in a lot of bands! From Moments In Grace to Twothirtyeight, En Maase, Decahedron and more recent projects The Eastern Wave and Veranear, Jake has definitely left his mark. We talk about his time on a major label and I try to get him to explain, rather unsuccessfully, what makes Florida great. He's also been helping out local musicians through his imprint, Computer Club Records, since 1999. If you listen close toward the end, I think we just started a new band. Get into it! Jake Brown on Twitter - https://twitter.com/cpuclbjake Jake on Band to Band - http://www.bandtoband.com/artist/jake-brown Computer Club Records - http://cpuclb.com/ ----- Support The Show! - http://patreon.com/urbanachiever Join The E-Mail List! - http://eepurl.com/TfBjf