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Ramon Ray "Become owner of your own domian"



"Owner of your own domain" The branding episode Ramon Ray is the founder of He is the voice of digital media to small business owners with an entrepreneurial mindset. Jessica & Ramon discuss mentorship, digital media, serving your audience & how to find your audience, once you do how to over deliver value. Ramon also shares the importance of creating your own domain to impact the lives of others and his conversation with Ex- President Barak Obama via google hang outs? While he teaches Personal branding to white house staff. Please share, like and comment! This is a must listenThis episode is sponsored by "Just start creating" Are you stuck on what to share via social media? Do you know you should be building your personal brand but have no idea how? Do you struggle with what to post, where to post it, how many times? We are here for you! Go to talk2jaw to schedule a complimentary session mention code: