Gab With The Gurus With Connie Bennett

Social Media Expert Mitch Meyerson and Arielle Ford



Today, you can learn hot social media tips with Mitch Meyerson, author of the new book, Success Secrets Of The Social Media Marketing Superstars, which features secrets of 20-plus social media marketers, who discuss little-known strategies, tactics and insights to create create effective social media campaigns to cut through the clutter, reach out to millions and grow your business. You'll learn about the biggest mistakes people make with social media and how to fix them. This new book also features tips from Keith Ferrazi & Tahl Raz on relationship strategy; Mitch Meyerson on online marketing; Gary Vaynerchuk on building mega-followings; and Chris Brogan on building communities. Mitch is the author of nine books, including Guerrilla Marketing On The Internet. He is also a keynote speaker and accomplished musician.