Gab With The Gurus With Connie Bennett

Dana Kennedy: Creator of A Year Without Candy Blog



Can you go a year without candy? Specifically, can you quit your favorite candies, cookies, cakes, ice cream, pastries and any sugar-based desserts for 365 days running? Not only that, but can you chronicle your candy-curbing adventures publicly, doing so with panache, humor and even literary aplomb? That's exactly what talented journalist Dana Kennedy is now doing on her entertaining, insightful, healthily addictive A Year Without Candy Blog, which she began on Feb. 28, 2010. Now, nearly one year into her sugar-squashing mission, Dana -- who contributes to AOL News, People Magazine, TIME and other outlets – began her blog announcing her "choice to abstain from" her "addiction of choice – candy, ice cream, cakes and all manner of sweet treats – for at least a year." A few days later, she also humorously announced her candy-cutting mission on the Huffington Post blog, admitting being "as hooked on cheap and delicious American candy like Hershey bars, Junior Mints and candy corn (bite it, dessert snobs) as I am