Gab With The Gurus With Connie Bennett

Gay Hendricks on His Novel, "The First Rule of Ten"



Psychologist Gay Hendricks, Ph.D. has made a huge name for himself for more than three decades as one of the major contributors to the fields of relationship transformation and body-mind therapies along with his wife, Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks. The loving couple have co-authored many bestsellers, including Conscious Loving and Five Wishes. He is the author of 33 books, including The Corporate Mystic, Conscious Living and The Big Leap. On this show, though, we won't talk much about relationships. Instead, Dr. Hendricks will discuss his first novel, The First Rule of Ten , which is about a detective, Ten, who, "draws on his upbringing in a Tibetan monastery to bring spiritual awareness into his work on the gritty streets of Los Angeles,” as Dr. Hendricks puts it. The First Rule of Ten is co-authored by Tinker Lindsay, who explains that it combines mystery and mindfulness, two of her passions.