Gab With The Gurus With Connie Bennett

Dr. Gabor Maté on Addiction



Gabor Maté, an expert on addiction, can help you if you're hooked on sugar, smoking, taking drugs, texting, or another unhealthy activity. Addiction is "one of the most misunderstood phenomena in our society, says Dr. Maté, author of In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters With Addiction n the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters. You'll learn from Dr. Maté that "almost anything can become addictive, from seemingly healthy activities such as eating or exercising to abusing drugs intended for healing. The issue is not the external target but our internal relationship to it." Learn on this Gab with the Gurus Radio Show that addictions "develop in a compulsive attempt to ease one’s pain or distress in the world." Dr. Maté, who for twelve years practiced medicine in Vancouver’s notorious Downtown Eastside – North America’s most concentrated area of drug use -- will share views that counter prevailing notions of addiction as either a genetic disease or an individual moral failure. In fact, Dr. Maté pre