Comic Book Podcast | Talking Comics

The Power of Marvel's Youth | Comic Book Podcast Issue #245



The gang gathers to discuss the week's comics, including the new Batgirl series, a return to Wonder Woman's Lies arc, upcoming comic Belzebubs, and Civil War II and it's impact on Captain Marvel and Ms Marvel. The status of Lunella Lafayette as the smartest person in the Marvel Universe is brought up, and we give our stamp of approval on Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. We answer questions regarding the "perfect" comic we've read as well as the characters that are important to the advancement of women, POCs, and LGBTQ characters (hint: many of them are in the Marvel Universe). The Comic Book Podcast is brought to you by Talking Comics ( The podcast is hosted by Dr. Mara Wood, Steve Seigh ( contributor), Bob Reyer, and Joey Braccino who weekly dissect everything comics-related, from breaking news to new releases. Our Twitter handle is @TalkingComics and you can email us at