Design Your Best Work Life With Robbi Crawford

Setting Your Sights on Living Your Dream



My guest for this episode of Conversations in the Zone is Alexandra Elizabeth Carpanzano. She has been blessed to find an opportunity that allows her to design her life and live her vision. Finding herself in a new state and out of her career of choice, with 8 bartending jobs and a college degree she would be paying off for the next 25 years, Alexandra chose to take a leap of faith and devote her “spare time” to building a Mary Kay business. She earned her first, free, career car during the Christmas season of 2011 while planning her wedding, moving across town and becoming a stepmom. Soon after, Alexandra moved into the top 2% of the company and debuted as a new Independent Sales Director breaking a record in her National Area of 6 weeks, and was one of the top 7 new Units nationwide! Having support from women and a company that encourages and teaches the priorities of God first, family second, and career third, she has put her hard work ethic into action and designed her life around those priorities and is