Independent Everything

Independent Everything: LIVE with Battle Rap/Hip-Hop Artist ~ D Hall the Queen



Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan D Hall the Queen grew up listening to a wide variety of music. As a child she was introduced to artists ranging from Bob Marley to Prince to Queen Latifah?. It was that early exposure that led Hall to want to pursue a career in music herself. Hall says, "Music is something that has always been with me. Since I was old enough to work a walkman, record player, my dad's old 8 track player I've been immersed in music. My mom, often jokingly asks when am I going to give that music up and I just laugh and tell her never. It's a drug, an addiction, it's something that's woven into the fabric of who I am. To give it up would be to give myself up and I'll never do that."To date D Hall the Queen has released and been featured on numerous musical projects. Her balanced appreciation for education and music, along with dedication and hard work, have all served as a platform for her talents to be showcased and recognized in high profile cities such as Detroit, New York, Atlanta, and mor