Empower Inspire Reinvent Transform

Always Journal with Alycia Johnson



Alycia Johnson is the mother of two and the wife of one. She has missed honor roll assemblies, cursed at her children occasionally, lied about many things, cheated many times, zigged when she should have zagged, laughed when she should have cried, broken promises, and dishonored commitments. In spite of all of her shortcomings, she has discovered a unique relationship with God that has helped her to heal her marriage, complete a degree after 20 years, create a home that is welcoming to all, interpret dreams, and hear the voice of God daily. Alycia has become a master of listening to the rhythm of life and journaling for power and transformation. Spending time in her presence ignites one’s passion to live the full gift of life God has given. It also helps one to come to terms with the following statement, “In God’s economy nothing is ever wasted.” It is her sincere desire to help everyone accept where they are and identify what God is calling them to do. Everyone has a unique purpose and her mission is to shar