Hypnosis And Holistic Wellness

What I Learned in Hypnosis Class



Being first exposed to hypnosis a year ago, I was not sure what I was getting myself in to taking a hypnosis class.Amy is a Certified Consulting Hypnotist, She is passionate about helping individuals, live a healthy, fulfilling life of purpose. She believes that everyone possesses innate strengths, and works with her clients to identify and build upon these, resulting in healthy change and personal growth. Amy has worked in several different fields in her years of work experience, including Veterans Advocate, Property Management, Catering/Event Industry and most recently the Holistic Health and Hypnosis Field. Amy has touched many lives and formed lifelong relationships. Amy lives in Taylorsville, Utah with her husband, she is the mother of two daughters and two granddaughters. She enjoys traveling, gardening, entertaining, and spending time with friends and family.Member of the National Guild of Hypnotists