"una & Friends"

"Business Lessons from the Wealth Dynamics Experience" (Una and Friends)



Sometimes life gets in the way of the best laid plans so I’ve had to change the plans for today’s radio show. My usual back-up suspects are not available today so I’ve had to put my thinking cap. As always, needs must and I have now come up with what I think will make a great show!Regular listeners will have heard me mention Wealth Dynamics and I’ve had some Wealth Dynamics practitioners on the show in the past as guests.In today’s show, myself and Steve Ireland will discuss some of our key learnings from a 3-day course we recently attended, the Wealth Dynamics Experience.Do you wonder how the wealthiest people in the world got there when they have followed such opposing paths to success?- Bill Gates leverages his products with other people's systems- Jeff Bezos leverages his system with other people's products- Jack Welch chose to run companies he did not start- Richard Branson chose to start companies he does not run- Warren Buffett invests in companies he neither started nor runsWealth Dynamics is an entre