Shot By Brock

Ep 9. Lucy Blyth: Harmonize Your Vibration to a Higher Frequency



If you were to look at anything under an electron microscope – your lunch, yourself, your t-shirt, space dust, moon rocks, the bricks in your house, a slice of cheese – anything at all – you would see it’s made up of atoms. And those atoms are vibrating. It’s one of the first things we learn in physics at school – everything is vibrating. All the time. And everything vibrates at a particular frequency. If you heat something up or give it energy in some other way (think microwave ovens) it vibrates faster. If you cool something down it vibrates less. Everything vibrates at a frequency and everything has its own frequency. When you agitate something at the correct frequency, you can break it. Have you even seen the footage of the Tacoma Narrows suspension bridge that began to twist and turn in high winds before breaking apart? Or an opera singer breaking wine glasses by matching the frequency of her voice to the natural frequency of the glass? Did you see the "wobbly bridge" in London give visitors an unexpect