Paradigm Shift With Christina Martini

013 Personal Branding with Sheila Anderson- Part 3 of a 3 Part Series



Updated: In this episode, Christina Martini and Sheila Anderson discuss: Starting point for developing a personal brand Feedback that transforms your business Building a brand that has heft Establishing yourself as a thought leader Key Takeaways: Decide on a single word that you want your business to be defined as – Trustworthy? Creative? Respectable? You’ve got to be consistent in every business interaction because that breeds trust Ask yourself “What kind of content can I provide to people in my industry so that I become top of mind to them?”  Take into consideration the psychology of color and use that knowledge when you create a brand/present yourself   “Once you’ve chosen that brand word, you need to figure out if that’s how you’re being perceived.” –  Sheila Anderson   About Sheila Anderson: PASSION. It’s the one word that drives me in all I do. You will see it in my eyes. You will hear it when I speak and in how